Revenge of the French Heavy: The New Somua SM is Here!
Attention fans of the French autoloading heavy tanks: Meet the new Somua SM Tier VIII! The Somua has a playstyle similar to the AMX 50 100 or AMX 50 B and a five-round clip, making it a perfect addition for fans of French autoloaders. The Somua SM is a powerful support vehicle with an opportunistic playstyle. Time your attack perfectly and you can make your entire clip count! Armour: While it can't compete with the most heavily armoured vehicles, it can deflect shots from same-tier vehicles. Turret armour is the strongest frontally; combine this with very good gun depression and you can easily hide the most vulnerable spots. Mobility: The acceleration is decent, allowing you to easily keep up with most heavy tanks. Firepower: As with French autoloaders, main firepower depends on the burst damage, and the Somua has plenty. The five-round clip can cripple or completely obliterate any enemy, and all in the time span of nine seconds. Just make sure you're safe to reload afterwa...